The great snowball fight of 2017

The Hagemeyers enjoyed a family session this December for the traditional family photos around the tree.Hagemeyer blog 1

The latest additions to their family, Cash and Kohl, joined us, and things got pretty lively!

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We headed outside since the wind was calmer and the temps were tolerable for a few minutes. Hagemeyer blog 4

When the kids started playing in the snow, it wasn’t long till an epic snowball fight broke out…Hagemeyer blog 6Hagemeyer blog 5

This is what families are all about…playing, laughing and having fun together!

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Later in life, when the kids look back at these images, I hope they will fondly recall the fun time they had playing with their family, and the love they shared.

Erin & Don

Omni Bedford Springs Resort provided the stunning backdrop for this winter wedding with Erin & Don.  He couldn’t stop smiling from the moment he laid eyes on her that afternoon, and their connection with posing for pictures came naturally.

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Because they were adventurous and willing to brave a few moments of chilly air before the ceremony, we were able to capture the outside holiday decorations and the romance of the resort.  Ok, it was downright cold, but Erin was a trooper and knew the effort was worth having some stunning images.

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Plus, the gorgeous decorations inside are just as romantic.

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The Taylor room provided an intimate location for the ceremony which was officiated by Erin’s brother.

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They have a great sense of humor too.

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After a few more pictures, Erin and Don had a candlelit reception in the Eisenhower room as they celebrated with family and friends.

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Celtic anamchairde (soul friends) blessings to you, Erin and Don, for a long and happy life together.